
IX.12.9 Pompeii. The House of the Painters at Work or Casa dei pittori al lavoro.

Partially excavated at times between 1982-2005. Further excavations 2023.


Part 9        Part 10      Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Plan

The Insula of the Chaste Lovers. Views from above the excavations 4.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking east at rooms under excavation.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking east at rooms under excavation.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Room 7, with collapsed wall, looking north-east from near doorway into room 5, centre left.  
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Room 7, with collapsed wall, looking north-east from near doorway into room 5, centre left. 

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking north-east from room 7, towards area of rooms around roofed peristyle.  
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking north-east from room 7, towards area of rooms around roofed peristyle. 

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Room 7, looking north-east from near doorway into room 5. 
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Room 7, looking north-east from near doorway into room 5.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Room 7, looking east towards peristyle and area of monumental gateway. 
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Room 7, looking east towards peristyle and area of monumental gateway.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. West side. Looking east towards rooms partly excavated, and peristyle area.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. West side. Looking east towards rooms partly excavated, and peristyle area.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Doorway into PAP room 18, looking east towards peristyle with monumental gateway.   
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Doorway into PAP room 18, looking east towards peristyle with monumental gateway.  

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking east towards peristyle through PAP room 17. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking east towards peristyle through PAP room 17. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking south from above room PAP 15, with peristyle in upper left, room PAP 18 upper centre, and doorway into room 7 from room 5, upper right. 
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking south from above room PAP 15, with peristyle in upper left, room PAP 18 upper centre, and doorway into room 7 from room 5, upper right.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking south from above room PAP 15, with peristyle in upper left, room PAP 18 upper centre, and doorway from room 5, upper right. 
Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking south from above room PAP 15, with peristyle in upper left, room PAP 18 upper centre, and doorway from room 5, upper right.

Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Garden area 8, looking north-east.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Garden area 8, looking north-east.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Garden area 8. Looking north-east. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Garden area 8. Looking north-east. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north east over Peristyle garden, from above.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north-east over peristyle garden, from above.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. 2016/2017. Looking south-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. 2016/2017. Looking south-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking north-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking north-west from above peristyle area. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking towards west portico from above. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking towards west portico from above. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. North-west corner of portico, with waterspout. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. North-west corner of portico, with waterspout. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. North-west corner of roof with decorative rainwater spout in the form of a lion.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. North-west corner of roof with decorative rainwater spout in the form of a lion.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. North-west corner of roof with detail of decorative water-spout.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. North-west corner of roof with detail of decorative water-spout.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north-west above peristyle area.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. March 2009. Looking north-west above peristyle area.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking east at south end of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking east at south end of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking towards south-east corner of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking towards south-east corner of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-east across roof of portico of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-east across roof of portico of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south east across roof of portico of garden area 8.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south-east across roof of portico of garden area 8.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-east across roof of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south-east across roof of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south across roof of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Looking south across roof of garden area 8. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south across roof of garden area 8.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking south across roof of garden area 8.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 9, south side, with doorway to garden area 8.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 9, south side, with doorway to garden area 8.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 9, north side.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 9, north side.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-east across unexcavated part of insula from above room 9.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Looking north-east across unexcavated part of insula from above room 9.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, north side.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, north side.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, north side.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, north side.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. 2016/2017. Room 10, north side and north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. 2016/2017. Room 10, north side and north-east corner. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, looking towards north east corner.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, looking towards north east corner.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south side. 
Doorway to room 11 in east wall, blocked by material, and doorway to garden area 8 in south wall.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south side.

Doorway to room 11 in east wall, blocked by material, and doorway to garden area 8 in south wall.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south side, with blocked doorway to room 11 and doorway to north portico of 8.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south side, with blocked doorway to room 11 and doorway to north portico of 8.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024. 
Looking south towards room 10, from above. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. June 2024.

Looking south towards room 10, from above. Photo courtesy of Giuseppe Ciaramella.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south wall, with doorway to garden area 8.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 10, south wall, with doorway to garden area 8.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 11, south side with doorway to north portico.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 11, south side with doorway to north portico.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 11, looking west to doorway to room 10, blocked by volcanic material.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 11, looking west to doorway to room 10, blocked by volcanic material.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010.  Room 12, north side.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010.  Room 12, north side.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Room 12, north wall, and north-west corner. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. February 2017. Room 12, north wall, and north-west corner. Photo courtesy of Johannes Eber.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 12, detail of wall painting of Venus Pescatrice on north wall.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 12, detail of wall painting of Venus Pescatrice on north wall.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Looking south in room recently excavated, probably a utility room unused at the time of the eruption.
The skeletons of two victims were recently discovered during an excavation in the insula of the Chaste Lovers.
They were the victims of an earthquake that accompanied the eruption, discovered beneath a wall that had collapsed between the final phase of the deposition of pumice and prior to the arrival of the pyroclastic flows that buried Pompeii for good.
Part of the south wall collapsed crushing one man.
The condition of the west wall, on the other hand, demonstrates the tremendous force of the earthquakes that took place at the same time as the eruption: the entire upper section was detached and fell into the room, crushing and burying the other individual.
See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers
Gli scheletri di due vittime sono stati recentemente scoperti durante uno scavo nell'Insula dei Casti Amanti.
Furono vittime di un terremoto che ha accompagnato l'eruzione, ritrovate sotto il crollo di un muro avvenuto tra la fase finale di sedimentazione dei lapilli e prima dell'arrivo delle correnti piroclastiche che hanno definitivamente sepolto Pompei.
Parte della parete sud della stanza e crollata colpendo uno degli uomini.
Le condizioni della parete ovest, invece, dimostrano la forza drammatica dei terremoti contestuali all'eruzione: l'intera sezione superiore si è staccata ed è caduta nella stanza, travolgendo e seppellendo l'altro individuo.
Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023.

Room 13. Looking south in room recently excavated, probably a utility room unused at the time of the eruption.

The skeletons of two victims were recently discovered during an excavation in the insula of the Chaste Lovers.

They were the victims of an earthquake that accompanied the eruption, discovered beneath a wall that had collapsed between the final phase of the deposition of pumice and prior to the arrival of the pyroclastic flows that buried Pompeii for good.

Part of the south wall collapsed crushing one man.

The condition of the west wall, on the other hand, demonstrates the tremendous force of the earthquakes that took place at the same time as the eruption: the entire upper section was detached and fell into the room, crushing and burying the other individual.

See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers

Gli scheletri di due vittime sono stati recentemente scoperti durante uno scavo nell'Insula dei Casti Amanti.

Furono vittime di un terremoto che ha accompagnato l'eruzione, ritrovate sotto il crollo di un muro avvenuto tra la fase finale di sedimentazione dei lapilli e prima dell'arrivo delle correnti piroclastiche che hanno definitivamente sepolto Pompei.

Parte della parete sud della stanza e crollata colpendo uno degli uomini.

Le condizioni della parete ovest, invece, dimostrano la forza drammatica dei terremoti contestuali all'eruzione: l'intera sezione superiore si è staccata ed è caduta nella stanza, travolgendo e seppellendo l'altro individuo.

Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. South end of utility room with the two skeletons and an upright amphora in the corner.
They were found lying on one side in a utility room, probably not in use at the time due to repairs or renovation work under way in the house, where they had taken refuge in search of protection.
They were probably two male individuals at least 55 years old.
Estremità sud del ripostiglio con i due scheletri e un'anfora verticale nell'angolo.
Giacevano riversi su un lato, in un ambiente di servizio, al tempo in dismissione per probabili interventi di riparazioni o ristrutturazione in corso nella casa, nel quale si erano rifugiati in cerca di protezione.
Si trattava probabilmente di due individui di sesso maschile di almeno 55 anni.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13.

South end of utility room with the two skeletons and an upright amphora in the corner.

They were found lying on one side in a utility room, probably not in use at the time due to repairs or renovation work under way in the house, where they had taken refuge in search of protection.

They were probably two male individuals at least 55 years old.

Estremità sud del ripostiglio con i due scheletri e un'anfora verticale nell'angolo.

Giacevano riversi su un lato, in un ambiente di servizio, al tempo in dismissione per probabili interventi di riparazioni o ristrutturazione in corso nella casa, nel quale si erano rifugiati in cerca di protezione.

Si trattava probabilmente di due individui di sesso maschile di almeno 55 anni.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. North end of room with remains of vessels, bowls and jugs stacked against the wall.
Estremità nord della stanza con resti di vasi, ciotole e brocche accatastate contro la parete di fondo.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. North end of room with remains of vessels, bowls and jugs stacked against the wall.

Estremità nord della stanza con resti di vasi, ciotole e brocche accatastate contro la parete di fondo.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skeleton of victim 1 in south-west corner.
Scheletro della vittima 1 vicino nell’angolo sud-ovest.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skeleton of victim 1 in south-west corner.

Scheletro della vittima 1 vicino nell’angolo sud-ovest.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skeleton of victim 2 in the south-east corner.
Scheletro della vittima 2 nell'angolo sud-est.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skeleton of victim 2 in the south-east corner.

Scheletro della vittima 2 nell'angolo sud-est.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skull of victim 2.
Cranio della vittima 2.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. Room 13. Skull of victim 2.

Cranio della vittima 2.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, north wall, north-west corner. Not fully excavated.
The entrance to the room is via an access located in the western sector of the northern perimeter wall.
L’ingresso all’ambiente avviene tramite un accesso localizzato nel settore occidentale del muro perimetrale settentrionale.
See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, north wall, north-west corner. Not fully excavated.

The entrance to the room is via an access located in the western sector of the northern perimeter wall.

L’ingresso all’ambiente avviene tramite un accesso localizzato nel settore occidentale del muro perimetrale settentrionale.

See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, looking north-west. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.
The kitchen area is to the right and the lararium paintings on the south and west walls and part of the bench with the building lime can be seen.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, looking north-west. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

The kitchen area is to the right and the lararium paintings on the south and west walls and part of the bench with the building lime can be seen.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, east wall with window onto vicolo. Not fully excavated. 
Part of the collapsed south wall and the latrine can be seen on the right.

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. Room 13, east wall with window onto vicolo. Not fully excavated.

Part of the collapsed south wall and the latrine can be seen on the right.


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010.  
Room 13, south end. Next to the room where the skeletons were found was a kitchen, with a stone counter on which a pile of lime for building purposes was found, and a long narrow room with a latrine, the contents of which flowed into a drain beneath the street. The backfill directly covers the pavement made up of five tiles with quarter-circle fins, arranged flat The tiles have a gradual slope from the kitchen counter, which occupies the south-west corner, towards the latrine drain on the street.
See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers
Stanza 13, lato sud. Accanto alla stanza in cui sono stati trovati gli scheletri c'era una cucina, con un bancone in muratura sulla sua superficie si trova infatti un mucchio di calce in polveri per la costruzione, e una stanza lunga e stretta con una latrina, il cui contenuto sarebbe defluito in un canale di scolo sotto la strada. Il terreno di riporto copre direttamente il lastricato composto da cinque tegole con aletta a quarto di cerchio, disposte di piatto. Le tegole hanno pendenza digradante dal banco della cucina, che occupa l’angolo sud-ovest, verso lo scolo della latrina sulla strada.
Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2010. 

Room 13, south end. Next to the room where the skeletons were found was a kitchen, with a stone counter on which a pile of lime for building purposes was found, and a long narrow room with a latrine, the contents of which flowed into a drain beneath the street. The backfill directly covers the pavement made up of five tiles with quarter-circle fins, arranged flat The tiles have a gradual slope from the kitchen counter, which occupies the south-west corner, towards the latrine drain on the street.

See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers

Stanza 13, lato sud. Accanto alla stanza in cui sono stati trovati gli scheletri c'era una cucina, con un bancone in muratura sulla sua superficie si trova infatti un mucchio di calce in polveri per la costruzione, e una stanza lunga e stretta con una latrina, il cui contenuto sarebbe defluito in un canale di scolo sotto la strada. Il terreno di riporto copre direttamente il lastricato composto da cinque tegole con aletta a quarto di cerchio, disposte di piatto. Le tegole hanno pendenza digradante dal banco della cucina, che occupa l’angolo sud-ovest, verso lo scolo della latrina sulla strada.

Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023.  
Room 13, west wall of kitchen on west side. Next to the room where the skeletons were found was a kitchen, with a stone counter.
Above the kitchen counter were traces of a domestic shrine in the form of a fresco which appears to depict the household gods (Lares) and a ceramic pot partly set into the wall which may have been used as a container for religious offerings.
See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers
Ambiente 13, parete o0vest della cucina sul lato ovest. Accanto alla stanza in cui sono stati trovati gli scheletri c'era una cucina, con un bancone in muratura.
Sopra il bancone della cucina, le tracce di un Santuario domestico sotto forma di un affresco che sembra raffigurare i Lares della casa et un vaso di ceramica parzialmente incassata ne muro che potrebbe essere stato utilizzato come ricettacolo di offerte religiose.
Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. 

Room 13, west wall of kitchen on west side. Next to the room where the skeletons were found was a kitchen, with a stone counter.

Above the kitchen counter were traces of a domestic shrine in the form of a fresco which appears to depict the household gods (Lares) and a ceramic pot partly set into the wall which may have been used as a container for religious offerings.

See PAP: New victims from Pompeii emerge from the excavation of the house of the chaste lovers

Ambiente 13, parete o0vest della cucina sul lato ovest. Accanto alla stanza in cui sono stati trovati gli scheletri c'era una cucina, con un bancone in muratura.

Sopra il bancone della cucina, le tracce di un Santuario domestico sotto forma di un affresco che sembra raffigurare i Lares della casa et un vaso di ceramica parzialmente incassata ne muro che potrebbe essere stato utilizzato come ricettacolo di offerte religiose.

Vedi PAP: Pompei due scheletri rinvenuti sotto un crollo di muro

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)


IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023.  
Room 13, south wall of kitchen on west side.
A male figure with a short tunic and cornucopia, interpretable as a lar.
Ambiente 13, parete sud della cucina sul lato ovest.
Una figura maschile con tunica corta e cornucopia, interpretabile come lare.
Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.
See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, p. 4, Fig. 2 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)

IX.12.9 Pompeii. May 2023. 

Room 13, south wall of kitchen on west side.

A male figure with a short tunic and cornucopia, interpretable as a lar.

Ambiente 13, parete sud della cucina sul lato ovest.

Una figura maschile con tunica corta e cornucopia, interpretabile come lare.

Photograph © Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

See/Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 2 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)


The southwest corner retains traces of a decorated plaster in a poor state of conservation which must have referred to the first documented decorative phase. Despite the non-optimal state of conservation, it is possible to read on the plaster that covers the southern wall to the west a standing male figure with a short tunic and cornucopia, which can also be interpreted on the southern portion of the western wall, continuing with the same figurative scheme. In fact, two partially preserved male figures can be glimpsed and arranged in different registers, while snake-like motifs are visible on the sides. The plaster is covered by a subsequent preparation which incorporates a common ceramic olla (rim diameter 13.5 cm) with everted rim, housed in the wall and facing outwards (Fig. 3). The kitchen counter (h. 71 cm. length. 133 cm.) leans against the south and west perimeter walls. It was built in opus incertum with the north-east corner composed of blocks of yellow tuff of regular dimensions (24-31 cm. x 9 cm) also used for the plinth.

See E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)


L’angolo sud-ovest conserva tracce di un intonaco decorato in cattivo stato di conservazione che doveva riferirsi alla prima fase decorativa documentabile. Nonostante lo stato di conservazione non ottimale, è possibile leggere sull’intonaco che riveste ad ovest la parete meridionale una figura maschile stante con tunica corta e cornucopia, interpretabile anche la porzione meridionale della parete occidentale proseguendo con lo stesso schema figurativo. Si intravedono infatti due figure maschili parzialmente conservate e disposte su registri diversi, mentre ai lati sono visibili motivi serpentiformi. L’intonaco è coperto da una preparazione successiva (USR 32) che ingloba un’olla di ceramica comune (D. orlo 13,5 cm) con orlo estroflesso, alloggiata nella parete e rivolta verso l'esterno (Fig. 3). Il banco della cucina (h. 71 cm. lung. 133 cm.) si appoggia ai muri perimetrali sud e ovest. É costruito in opera incerta con l’angolare nord-est composto da blocchi di tufo giallo di dimensioni regolari (24-31 cm. x 9 cm) impiegati anche per lo zoccolo.

Vedi E-Journal, Scavi di Pompei, Vol. 1, May 2023, p. 4, Fig. 3 PAP E-Journal_01 (PDF)



Part 10      Part 1      Part 2      Part 3      Part 4      Part 5      Part 6      Part 7      Part 8      Plan




The low resolution pictures on this site are copyright © of Jackie and Bob Dunn and MAY NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE USED FOR GAIN OR REWARD COMMERCIALLY. On concession of the Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. It is declared that no reproduction or duplication can be considered legitimate without the written authorization of the Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright © di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione può considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 15-Jun-2024 14:33